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News from old website

Because I have moved away from my old website, I have just kept all the old news here, as a form of archive. Just in case anyone is interested in what went on before 2015... =)


Lots of things going on now - I am moving to Guildford to start a PhD in musical composition this autumn, and hope to do many interesting projects in this context! The video of Instrument of Touch is now online here. More projects are in the planning stage - watch this space!

I am doing sound design for The Laramie Project at the Curve, Leicester. Very happy to be collaborating with director Josh Seymour!

I am happy to be collaborating with choreographer Leda Franklin in the piece Instrument of Touch which will be performed at the Place, London on 20 January 2011. Tickets here.

I will be performing with dancer David C. Henry and my new feedback instrument at an Agony Art event at Chisenhale Dance Space 9 December 2011. More info here.

There will be a work-in-progress performance of Dietro, my collaboration with choreographer Angelica Portioli on 3 November 2011 in PACE Studio 1, DMU, Leicester, UK. More info here.

In October 2011 my piece Nigredo will be performed at Ai-Maako festival in Valdivia, Chile.

In August 2011 my piece SHIFT [still views of a snowy horizon] will be performed at the ICMC conference in Huddersfield, UK.

New collaborations: in June 2011 I will be working with dancer Angelica Portioli in Normandie to create the dance performance Dietro. I have also started a movement project with actor Markus Tomczyk, which will result in a performance in Berlin in late 2011.

CD release: two of my pieces have been selected for a new release from CPulse: Nigredo and SHIFT [still views of a snowy horizon].

In December 2010 I will be perfoming in Sweden: 10 December at Kulturmagasinet, Sundsvall. Tickets here.

More dates to be confirmed.

In December 2010 I have a residency at Tonsättarcentrum, and will be working on my piece about Gutasagan there.

My piece SHIFT [still views of a snowy horizon] will be performed at PACE Studio 1, De Montfort University, Leicester on Wednesday 10 November 19.00. Welcome!

I am very happy to be collaborating with choreographer Kirill Burlov in his solo for Edward Watson, principal dancer for the Royal Ballet in London. alKamie will create a virtual reality scenery in this exciting performance. It will be premiered at the Place on 12 February 2011.

I am currently collaborating with choreographer Ruth Dodds creating a dance piece that will premiere on 2 December 2010 at Leicester Square Theatre London. Tickets here.

August 2010 I am working on a project where I am exploring an ancient language: forngutniska. It was once spoken on Gotland in Sweden, so I am going there to work for three weeks in August.

In July 2010 I am performing solo at St Nicholas Church in Leicester. I am supporting Sawako, who makes beautiful ambient music which will fit perfectly in the wonderful old church.

In June 2010 I am performing one of my acousmatic pieces in Växjö, Sweden at the event 'Hej Då Coma!' I am one of a whole bunch of fine performers coming together for a three-part concert spanning over three hours!!

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