I am a composer, sound designer and performer from Sweden, who specialises in the performing arts, especially contemporary dance and drama. I also compose acousmatic music for diffusion in the electroacoustic tradition.
I perform with electronics, voice and a gestural feedback instrument that I have developed as part of my research. I sing in various choirs and play in various ensembles.
I am also an academic who recently finished my PhD in electronic music at University of Surrey in the UK. As a researcher I am interested in corporeality, contemporary animism, movement and feedback.
I hold a Master by Research degree from De Montfort University where I studied for John Young, and I hold a BA (hons) degree from the same university. Previous studies includes Gotlands Tonsättarskola in Visby, Sweden for Per Mårtensson and Sven-David Sandström, as well as at the Academy of music and drama in Gothenburg, Sweden for Ole Lützow-Holm and Åke Parmerud.
I am currently based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Photo: Ramon Anthin